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Some Batting Pointers
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Some Baseball Pointers
These baseball gloves are made of leather, and you can choose between different types. The gloves are come handy when the catcher has to stop a throw which is thrown by his team mate.

But the days of the bare hand catchers are over; today, players use gloves known as mitts. Spalding was one of the companies which made and still makes baseball mitts along with other sports equipment. In the year of 1920, Bill Doak suggested that a baseball mitt had a web placed between the thumb and the first finger in order to create a pocket which will help the catcher catch the ball much easier. The best quality baseball mitts are made out of heavy leather. Rawlings also has different mitts for different positions; more over they offer mitts for youth league. The gloves are normally machine made though custom made gloves are also available. These gloves are made by hand and have a distinct style of their own and are comparatively costlier.

A type of a glove that you may choose depends on few factors such as the age of the player and the level of play. This may be a little extreme for coaches of youth baseball but the point is that coaches who are organized will get the most out of their practice time. As the season progresses, coaches can gear their practice time to cover the areas most needed, based on their team weaknesses. Get in the habit of starting practice on time - parents who bring their child late will get the message early in the season that a late player will be missing out on some instruction.

Do not neglect warm-up time. Keep players busy - players should not be standing around very often. Small group stations are recommended when coaches have help and game action drills or play is recommended when help from assistants is not available.

Mix up the pattern of each practice - for example, if you work on hitting first one practice, work on defense first the next.

Safety is paramount at all times so don't forget helmets, etc... 8. 9. When having contests, be sure to handicap them some so each player, or group of players, have a chance at winning. Reward hard working "practice players" and not just star game players. Rewards for best defensive, offensive and hustle player(s) of each practice will spur good effort in practice.

Try to give the same amount of attention to each player. 12. Give homework. 13. When do you know your son is good enough to play baseball in high school, play in college or get paid to play? You watch him play and see all the great plays he makes or hits he has. Everybody on the team tells you he is a good player. Dreams that are over the top can take over your emotions or his emotions. Do not burden your son with even a hint of what you are dreaming.

By age twelve I dreamed of him playing in high school and beyond.

His freshman year in high school he led the junior varsity baseball team in all hitting categories. That fall, in a basketball game, my son broke his arm. Three surgeries in three years and the arm is still not right. My dream had been shattered.

Not when I was sitting in that hospital emergency room. Here's my top 10 H2H Fantasy Outfielders for 2010:

6. Matt Holliday, St Louis Cardinals - Should probably rank a little higher based on what he was able to do after the trade to St. Is just getting into his prime and is capable of.300, 25 HR, 100 RBI and 100 R.

Johnny Bench was a typical high school teenager who played both baseball and basketball at Binger High School in Binger Oklahoma. His father felt that this would be the quickest way for his son to realize his dream of becoming a professional player. He hit 689 home runs with 1376 RBIs. In 2004 Bench had a hip replacement operation due to his many years as a baseball catcher. Visit Mall4Men and check out their MLB watches. They have all the sports from baseball, football, basketball and more. They even have NASCAR watches featuring your favorite drivers. This was in the 1870's though Charles Waite is credited for having used it first.

This new designing soon became the standard for a baseball mitt. Sizes of the mitts unlike the other gloves are measured around their circumference and they have about 32 - 34 inch patterns on them.

The extra money spent on the glove is worthwhile.

The family life of Barry Bonds is particularly interesting to casual fans of the sport of baseball because from an early age the young man that seemingly was destined for fame was tied to famous names in the sport of baseball through family relationships.

For more hitting visit Batting Practice.

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Posted by baseballmaven22 at 2:13 PM EDT
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